Andrea Lindsey Skalley
This is Andrea. She's getting so big. Playing with makeup and jewlery. She getting so mature.
She's big in to crafts, art, and playing her new guitar that her grandmother got her for christmas!! Don't get her wrong,
though....she still loves playing with her Bratz!
Melissa Christine Skalley
No, this isn't Sydney or Andie. This is Melissa as a little girl. Now you know where Andrea got her good
looks from, her dad! Just kidding.
Andrea Lindsey Skalley
This is my little Siddy Baby. She's a year and a half
now. She's the cutest and LOVES to play with her sister. She even loves to share her toys with her sister.
Don't know if Andrea agrees when it comes to HER toys, but everyone learns to share eventually!
Steve's not one for pictures, so it's hard to actually get one. Here he is working with Melissa's father on the installation
of their new stove. Steve is constantly wanting, or actually doing, improvments on the house. So far Steve and Melissa have
done their living room and started doing the kitchen.