There's three of us, of course (In October, four!). Steven, Melissa, and Andrea. Steve is 22, Melissa is 21, and
Andrea is 3. Steve and I have been married for 3 years now.
Steve and I ironically grew up very close to each other for most of our lives. When we were little, we both lived in Forest
Park, only a couple of streets away from each other. Where as my family moved to Amelia in '82 or '83, and then in to my
parents current house in '85, Steve and his family came close once again in '90, when they moved less than 1/4 a mile from
where I lived.
We first met Steve's sophmore year. We had computer class together, sat directly behind one another. The class, me included,
would often run to Steve's computer to se what new thing he's made it do now. Steve's junior year, we were in a play together,
"The Stage Door". We spoke to each other for the first night at the cast party, though it was only over the phone.
That's were the conversation of the ceiling spining comes from. Steve's senior year, we started dating when our mutual friends
both asked us to go to the movies with then, not letting the one know that the other was going. Katie and Joe pride themselves
on being the ones who first got us together. Steve proposed six months later, and Jauary of the next year, we got married.
Andrea was born six and a half months later....